Free Tool: GPS Time and Position


I purchased a USB GPS receiver at AliExpress for around 8 Euro (with free shipping):

This receiver supports GPS & GLONASS and works quite well.

I got it to measure time and for some GPS developments.

But I did not find a suitable tool to test if the receiver was working correctly! Apart from LadyHeather (, all tools I could find either were not freeware, did not support GLONASS or were too complicated.

Note that LadyHeather is a great tool for disciplined frequency standards (think Rubidium standards), but while it does support this receiver, it is just a bit too much for this simple GPS receiver.

Anyway, I put my hands on the keyboard and hacked together a small tool that fits my needs:

(NOTE: The red fields are simple cover-ups of my geolocation)

The tool only shows the GPS time without any time zone correction!

The main goal of the tool is to show that the GPS receiver is working...

The source code uses the same algorithm that is incorporated in my VMA Simple Spectrum Analyzer software and it has been enhanced to support GLONASS.

You can download the tool here:

Just run the executable - no installation or configuration files required. Select the correct COM-Port and click START.



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